We are aviation professionals and mentors passing on knowledge and human skills required in the aviation industry. We teach Crew Resource Management from experience. Transport Canada has approved and endorsed the content and delivery of teaching material every year since 2013 for Canadian airlines. Our CRM course covers all topics required by Transport Canada as specified in AC700-042 Circular.
Empress Aero provides computer based training for some of the required modules for ease and convenience of learning in a non-classroom environment. Some modules are required by Transport Canada to be facilitated by a qualified instructor and our team is there for you to meet and exceed that requirement. We specialize in conducting active relevant case study reviews of accidents. Group participation in either a live classroom or online webinar environment is hosted by us. Either option is a good choice as our approach is designed to draw feedback from all participants.
Contact us today to learn how we can lighten your load when it comes to required CRM training for your aviation professionals.